Intro and bio

Craig's unofficial "official" bio

Craig Zingerline is a six-time founder and leading mentor for founders across the globe. He helps startups acquire, convert, and retain customers through his Mastering Growth Framework focused on the 5 key drivers of growth: modeling, acquisition, conversion, retention, and experimentation. He’s helped hundreds of startups drive more efficient growth, and has been called “one of the best growth instructors in the industry” by Jason Calacanis. Craig is a top-ranked speaker who has run workshops with LAUNCH, Founder Institute, Product School, Speero Ventures, Growth Mentor & many more. 

Where to find me

  1. I'm on LinkedIn - feel free to follow/connect with me.
  2. My personal website is
  3. My consulting website is
  4. I'm available on the GrowthMentor platform for bookings, and I often do free mentoring over there. Click here to read my 100+ 5-star reviews on GrowthMentor , or click here to sign up for GrowthMentor and then book time with me.
  5. I'm also available on the Intro platform. I do monetize these sessions, but you can start with as low as a 15 minute call. Click here to learn more and potentially book with me.

Who I work with

I work with a wide range of startups - from small bootstapped companies just getting started - to large enterprises, almost aways between Seed and Series D/E. My sweet spot is companies who have worked their way to product market fit (often helped by my content) and need help determining how to get organized and moving for the next stage of growth. For a list of clients and testimonials, check out my GrowthMinded site.

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