Overview of Growth

Overview of Growth

Learn the fundamentals of growth and learn how to incorporate growth at your company the right way. We’ll start with defining what growth does and where it sits in the organization, and will show you how to make sure you have the right foundation on which to grow. This module includes digging into attribution and event tracking, data, and analysis and includes a review of the tools you’ll need to ensure success.

What is growth? 

Companies and products need to grow and constantly add more value to their users to remain competitive and to thrive in today’s global economy. Those that embrace a growth mindset have a huge head start on winning their respective markets.

What does a growth team do?

A growth team sits at the intersection of multiple teams within a company. At a minimum, growth intersects product management, sales, and marketing but often touches operations, UX & design as well. If you've got a customer happiness team, you'll likely intersect with them, and if you have a data science team - chances are, you'll collaborate very closely.

Let's start with a definition of what growth is:

Growth starts by ensuring that the product provides value to both the customer and company the entire way through the customer lifecycle. Craig Zingerline, Growth Minded

So where as the primary role of a marketing team may be getting customers to the site or app, the growth team works on moving those users though the funnel. And where product teams are typically responsible for a product or set of features, the growth team typically owns metrics across the organization. 

Growth teams gather qualitative and quantitative input from experiments, talking to customers, reviewing usage patterns, and more, and share that back to the product teams and other stakeholders within the company. Many times the focus of growth teams also includes taking ideas (hypothesis) and executing them in the wild against a testable set of metrics. 

Learnings from growth experiments lead to feature and product development and feed the product roadmap because the demand for the feature has been validated by a cohort of users.

Growth teams are often the owners of key metrics for the business across multiple teams and act as the glue that joins all stages of the customer lifecycle. 

Here's a quick summary of typical organizational responsibilities for the different teams:

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